Knowledge Base Nr: 00065 keystroke.cpp -


Win32: keysim.cpp : tastendrücke an den eigenen prozess schicken.
hilfreich um aus einer c-dll fremdapplikationen zu triggern
z.b. nach beeenden eines threads

int nErr = DoKeyPress("F8#", 100);
int nErr = DoKeyPress("SHIFT+F8#", 100);
int nErr = DoKeyPress("ALT+F8#", 100);
int nErr = DoKeyPress("CTRL+F8#", 100);
int nErr = DoKeyPress("F7#F7#F8#", 100);

int DoKeyPress(const char* szKeys, int nDelay)
char szError[100] = {0};
char szTmp[100] = {0};
bool bWithAlt = false;
bool bWithShift = false;
bool bWithCtrl = false;

int i = 0;
for (int n=0; szKeys[n]; n++)
szTmp[i++] = szKeys[n];

if (szKeys[n] == '+')
szTmp[i-1] = 0;
i = 0;

if (stricmp(szTmp, "ALT") == 0)
bWithAlt = true;
else if (stricmp(szTmp, "SHIFT") == 0)
bWithShift = true;
else if (stricmp(szTmp, "CTRL") == 0)
bWithCtrl = true;
sprintf(szError, "<%s> muss sein ALT, SHIFT oder CTRL", szTmp);
MessageBox(NULL, szTmp, "Fehler in DoKeyPress()", MB_OK|MB_ICONERROR);
return -1;
else if (szKeys[n] == '#')
szTmp[i-1] = 0;
i = 0;

int nWert = -1;

/* VK_0 thru VK_9 are the same as ASCII '0' thru '9' (0x30 - 0x39) */
/* VK_A thru VK_Z are the same as ASCII 'A' thru 'Z' (0x41 - 0x5A) */
if (stricmp(szTmp, "A") == 0)
nWert = 'A';
else if (stricmp(szTmp, "B") == 0)
nWert = 'B';
else if (stricmp(szTmp, "C") == 0)
nWert = 'C';
else if (stricmp(szTmp, "D") == 0)
nWert = 'D';
else if (stricmp(szTmp, "E") == 0)
nWert = 'E';
else if (stricmp(szTmp, "F") == 0)
nWert = 'F';
else if (stricmp(szTmp, "G") == 0)
nWert = 'G';
else if (stricmp(szTmp, "H") == 0)
nWert = 'H';
else if (stricmp(szTmp, "I") == 0)
nWert = 'I';
else if (stricmp(szTmp, "J") == 0)
nWert = 'J';
else if (stricmp(szTmp, "K") == 0)
nWert = 'K';
else if (stricmp(szTmp, "L") == 0)
nWert = 'L';
else if (stricmp(szTmp, "M") == 0)
nWert = 'M';
else if (stricmp(szTmp, "N") == 0)
nWert = 'N';
else if (stricmp(szTmp, "O") == 0)
nWert = 'O';
else if (stricmp(szTmp, "P") == 0)
nWert = 'P';
else if (stricmp(szTmp, "Q") == 0)
nWert = 'Q';
else if (stricmp(szTmp, "R") == 0)
nWert = 'R';
else if (stricmp(szTmp, "S") == 0)
nWert = 'S';
else if (stricmp(szTmp, "T") == 0)
nWert = 'T';
else if (stricmp(szTmp, "U") == 0)
nWert = 'U';
else if (stricmp(szTmp, "V") == 0)
nWert = 'V';
else if (stricmp(szTmp, "W") == 0)
nWert = 'W';
else if (stricmp(szTmp, "X") == 0)
nWert = 'X';
else if (stricmp(szTmp, "Y") == 0)
nWert = 'Y';
else if (stricmp(szTmp, "Z") == 0)
nWert = 'Z';

else if (stricmp(szTmp, "0") == 0)
nWert = '0';
else if (stricmp(szTmp, "1") == 0)
nWert = '1';
else if (stricmp(szTmp, "2") == 0)
nWert = '2';
else if (stricmp(szTmp, "3") == 0)
nWert = '3';
else if (stricmp(szTmp, "4") == 0)
nWert = '4';
else if (stricmp(szTmp, "5") == 0)
nWert = '5';
else if (stricmp(szTmp, "6") == 0)
nWert = '6';
else if (stricmp(szTmp, "7") == 0)
nWert = '7';
else if (stricmp(szTmp, "8") == 0)
nWert = '8';
else if (stricmp(szTmp, "9") == 0)
nWert = '9';

else if (stricmp(szTmp, "F1") == 0)
nWert = VK_F1;
else if (stricmp(szTmp, "F2") == 0)
nWert = VK_F2;
else if (stricmp(szTmp, "F3") == 0)
nWert = VK_F3;
else if (stricmp(szTmp, "F4") == 0)
nWert = VK_F4;
else if (stricmp(szTmp, "F5") == 0)
nWert = VK_F5;
else if (stricmp(szTmp, "F6") == 0)
nWert = VK_F6;
else if (stricmp(szTmp, "F7") == 0)
nWert = VK_F7;
else if (stricmp(szTmp, "F8") == 0)
nWert = VK_F8;
else if (stricmp(szTmp, "F9") == 0)
nWert = VK_F9;
else if (stricmp(szTmp, "F10") == 0)
nWert = VK_F10;
else if (stricmp(szTmp, "F11") == 0)
nWert = VK_F11;
else if (stricmp(szTmp, "F12") == 0)
nWert = VK_F12;

else if (stricmp(szTmp, "ESC") == 0)
nWert = VK_ESCAPE;
else if (stricmp(szTmp, "TAB") == 0)
nWert = VK_TAB;
else if (stricmp(szTmp, "PGUP") == 0)
nWert = VK_PRIOR;
else if (stricmp(szTmp, "PGDN") == 0)
nWert = VK_NEXT;
sprintf(szError, "Unbekannter oder nicht implementierter VK_xxx Code <%s>", szTmp);
MessageBox(NULL, szTmp, "Fehler in DoKeyPress()", MB_OK|MB_ICONERROR);
return -2;

//event an process schicken
if (nWert > 0)
if (bWithAlt)
keybd_event(VK_MENU, 0, 0, 0);
if (bWithShift)
keybd_event(VK_SHIFT, 0, 0, 0);
if (bWithCtrl)
keybd_event(VK_CONTROL, 0, 0, 0);

keybd_event(nWert ,0,0,0);
keybd_event(nWert ,0,KEYEVENTF_KEYUP,0);

if (bWithAlt)
keybd_event(VK_MENU, 0, KEYEVENTF_KEYUP, 0);
if (bWithShift)
keybd_event(VK_SHIFT, 0, KEYEVENTF_KEYUP, 0);
if (bWithCtrl)
keybd_event(VK_CONTROL, 0, KEYEVENTF_KEYUP, 0);

bWithAlt = false;
bWithShift = false;
bWithCtrl = false;
i = 0;

return 0;